Friday, June 26, 2009
Permasalahan Kota Cirebon:
Kemiskinan akibat Minim Lapangan Kerja
Catatan Harian Ramlan Nugraha
Ketua Departemen Kebijakan Publik KAMMI Jawa Barat
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
Seperti halnya kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia, Kota Cirebon termasuk daerah yang padat penduduknya tapi masih mempunyai permasalahan sosial berupa kemiskinan. Entah itu adalah hal yang lumrah, ketika kita tinggal di Indonesia ada stigma bahwa setiap kelahiran penduduk maka tingkat kemiskinan pun meningkat. Walaupun memiliki pertumbuhan yang cukup tinggi yaitu 6,17 % per tahun, kota yang terletak di Pantura ini masih saja memiliki masalah khususnya dalam hal minimnya lapangan pekerjaan.
A. Sekilas Kota Cirebon
Menurut data Litbang Kompas pada Juni 2009, Kota Cirebon merupakan salah satu kota dengan jumlah penduduk terpadat di Jawa Barat. Berikut data sekilas tentang kondisi Kota Cirebon:
1. Jumlah penduduk sebanyak 290.000 jiwa (data Badan Pusat Statistik 2009).
2. Memiliki luas daerah 37 kilometer persegi.
3. Setiap 1 kilometer persegi dihuni 7.856 jiwa.
4. Terdapat 10.820 keluarga prasejahtera (data Mei 2009)
5. Satu dari tujuh keluarga di Kota Cirebon belum sejahtera.
6. Rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan terbanyak di kecamatan Kejaksan, yaitu sekitar seperlima keluarga di daerah ini tergolong prasejahtera.
7. 29 % kepala keluarga di Kota Cirebon tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup layaknya minimum sehari-hari.
8. Tingginya tingkat migasi pendatang, yaitu 1,4 % per tahun.
9. Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) 73,87 (2007).
B. Solusi kebijakan Pemkot
1. Lembaga eksekutif dan legislatif belum memiliki solusi untuk membatasi pertumbuhan penduduk dari urbanisasi (Dahrir Syahrir/Ketua DPRD Kota Cirebon pada Juni 2009)
2. Pemkot. Cirebon bergiat melaksanakan program Keluarga Berencana (KB) dengan berbagai penyuluhan, layanan pemasangan kontrasepsi lewat puskesmas dan bidan, dan mengaktifkan kader KB di tingkat RT/RW dengan target untuk mengurangi jumlah keluarga prasejahtera.
C. Penting untuk diperhatikan
1. Faktor penyebab tingginya kemiskinan adalah minimnya lapangan pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu pengembangan sektor ekonomi lokal mandiri harus menjadi prioritas kerja bagi Pemkot Cirebon. Hal ini didukung kenyataan bahwa kota Cirebon merupakan magnet ekonomi di wilayah Pantura.
2. Penataan penduduk dengan program Keluarga Berencana (KB) pada dasarnya tidak terbukti berhasil mengatasi permasalahan di Indonesia. Solusi yang dilakukan seharusnya lebih menekankan pada tujuan jangka panjang yang lebih strategis dan berkualitas.
3. Evaluasi kebijakan kependudukan karena belum bisa menahan laju urbanisasi yang semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Giving Tree
Bandung, 23 Juni 2009
Future Shock Abad 21
Istilah future shock dikenalkan oleh Toffler pada 1970 yang berpendapat bahwa manusia modern pada hakikatnya mempunyai kecemasan yang luar biasa tentang masa depannya sendiri. Pendapat Toffler yang mengatakan bahwa dunia sebenarnya menanti solusi alternatif bagi permasalahan postmodern yang dihadapinya pada kenyataannya bisa menjawab kecemasan yang semakin hari terus membuntuti bangsa-bangsa Barat.
Pencarian solusi alternatif tersebut bermula dari masalah-masalah yang timbul karena tidak adanya batasan yang mengatur tingkah laku manusia dalam menjalankan kehidupannya. Misal, dalam bidang ekonomi pakar-pakar Barat sangat mengenal istilah “Turbo-Kapitalisme”, yaitu efek dahsyat dari globalisasi yang bisa menggilas negara-negara berkembang bahkan sampai menghancurkan sistem demokrasi didalamnya. Perlahan, mereka mulai sadar bahwa pengaruhnya ternyata malah menghantam mereka sendiri. Mereka membuat onar, serakah terhadap apapun yang diinginkan, ternyata akhirnya mendapat ganjaran setimpal pula sesuai dengan apa yang mereka perbuat.
Dan merekapun merencanakan (skenario) makar dengan sungguh-sungguh dan Kami merencanakan (skenario) makar (pula), sedang mereka tidak menyadari. (Q.S. An Naml: 50).
The Giving Tree
Masih berhubungan dengan tulisan di atas, ada buku produk luar yang cukup bagus untuk kita ambil pelajaran didalamnya, buku tersebut berjudul The Giving Tree karya Shel Silverstein yang diterbitkan oleh Harper Colluns Publishers (USA, 2007). Walaupun baru sebatas membaca resensinya lewat majalah Annida, tetapi kesan mendalam akan makna filosofis dalam tulisan tersebut setidaknya membuat kita tidak sadar bahwa buku ini adalah buku pengantar tidur anak-anak yang menceritakan kisah seorang anak dengan sebuah pohon yang suka memberi. Wajar memang, buku yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam 30 bahasa ini memiliki pesan moral yang luar biasa. Berikut kutipannya:
“Hampir tidak ada satu keinginan dari anak tersebut yang tidak dipenuhi dan dikabulkan oleh pohon yang ia temuinya di hutan. Pohon ini bukanlah pohon ajaib, ia hanya pohon yang amat mencintai bocah laki-laki ini. Ia tak keberatan ketika bocah laki-laki itu memunguti daun dan membentuknya menjadi sebuah mahkota, bergelayut di dahannya, memakan buah apel yang dihasilkannya, bahkan memanjat batangnya yang kokoh. Sang pohon merasa terus bahagia ketika bermain bersama bocah laki-laki ini. Bocah laki-laki ini terus tumbuh menjadi dewasa. Ia tak lagi bermain-main dengan sang pohon, tetapi ia mulai meminta lebih dan lebih kepada pohon. Sang pohon amat mencintainya, maka apapun yang ia minta, sang pohon selalu mengabulkannya. Hingga tak ada apapun yang bisa diberikan sang pohon untuk bocah laki-laki yang kian beranjak tua, kecuali tempat yang sepi untuk sekedar duduk menyendiri”.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Solidarity with City Workers
The members of CUPE 416 and 79 who work for the City of Toronto
are now on strike. The business media has begun its inevitable campaign of
misinformation to produce the greatest possible backlash against these
workers. We are encouraged to focus on uncollected garbage and suspended
services but not, of course, to give any regard to the rights of public
sector workers or to think as working people about what is at stake in
this strike.
OCAP, as a matter of basic principle, stands in solidarity with
workers' struggles. We don't hate or blame workers who have been able to
win a living wage or support calls for them to be driven into poverty.
Rather, we want to see the poor provided with wages and incomes that raise
them out of poverty.
This strike occurs in a context that makes it especially important
for all of us that it end in victory and that the concessionary demands of
the 'progressive' Miller Administration be defeated. The Mayor defended
his shameful efforts to gut the collective agreements of City workers by
pointing to rising welfare caseloads brought on by the economic downturn.
What a disgusting statement. To pit City workers against those who are
being forced to turn to the wretched sub poverty pittance that welfare
provides is an outrage. This comes from a man who boasts that there are
more cops on the streets under his regime than every before and who is
taking us towards an obscene billion dollar a year police budget, while he
has frittered away the welfare reserve fund
to a fraction of where it was when he took office.
The Mayor points to the state of the economy to justify his attack
on City workers. In doing this, he makes clear what side he is on when it
comes to who should pay for this economic crisis. As unemployment shoots
up, we face the situation with an empty shell of an unemployment insurance
system that shuts out most of the unemployed and with a post Mike Harris
welfare system that fails to provide the necessities of life. None of the
'solutions' to the crisis involve meeting the basic needs of the
unemployed and poor. For those who still have jobs and unions, the
bankrupt corporations they work for will be bailed out at vast public
expense while their rights as workers are destroyed and they are presented
with massive concessionary demands.
The process of attacking workers started in the auto industry and
other parts of the private sector. The drive for austerity is now
spreading, inevitably, to the public sector. Beginning with militant
fights by postal workers in the 1960s, public sector workers have spent
decades struggling for decent wages and conditions.
The present crisis of capitalism will mean an all out confrontation to
take back those gains. Moreover, an attack on the workers who deliver
public services can't be separated from the attack on the services
themselves and the rights of those who receive them. That is the context
of this strike and we in OCAP know what side we're on. We call for full
support for the City workers. Send messages of solidarity. Be there with
them on their picket lines. Stand with them in their fight because they
are fighting for all of us.
Finally, some common sense. I am shocked (although I guess I shouldn't be, after the reaction to the TTC strike - though even that wasn't nearly so bad) at the mean-spirited selfishness of local citizens.(Just read the comments on any news story about the strike). I can't believe how many people think that city workers shouldn't have x,y,z (benefits and perks, job security, decent wage, etc) because private sector employees don't have these things. It's like the child who breaks a toy someone else is playing with. If I can't have it, nobody can. Of course my metaphor breaks down because lots of the people complaining are not exactly in dire straights. We're talking lawyers and middle management here.
Not that the media is helping any. Zeroing in on the bankable sick days as if that is what this fight is really about. If you didn't live here, you'd think the streets were flowing with garbage.
Cognitive dissonance abounds. Garbage collectors shouldn't be given the same increases as police officers got because garbage collectors aren't as important. But me oh my, it's been TWO days without garbage collection and already they are screaming to have someone take away their refuse. Somehow forgotten is that fact that it is not just a garbage strike. Inside and outside workers include paramedics, parks and rec staff, workers at swimming pools and community centres, health inspectors, office workers, social workers, child care workers, and even the people who clean the nasty (and desperately important especially for the homeless) public washrooms. They supply incredibly important services.
What I think we should realize is just how many services we receive from the city and how invaluable they are. If we were to try to buy all these services, few could afford them. They make all of our lives better, and they happen so routinely we rarely even notice them. Using the recession as an excuse to claw back hard-won benefits from public-sector employees is just wrong. Pretty much the entire world (even the IMF) understands that a recession is the time to spend on public works, not cut them. And if you are cutting, why not start at the top (police chief? city manager?) and work your way down instead of starting at the bottom (non-unionized workers have already been screwed with wage freezes earlier this year)?
If this were France, we'd probably have a general strike just to support them. Everyone would take the day off work (parents wouldn't have to worry about child care at least) and we'd all sit in the streets drinking wine.
Perhaps we could also use this as an opportunity to meditate on the excess of waste we produce as a society. Two days without collection and all hell breaks loose? Honestly. What is wrong with us?
What Color Is Comfort By Nicolette Toussaint
We believe interior designers are their best advertisement for themselves and their business of helping the public live in a home they deserve. We consistently encourage interior designers to get a blog and tell us about your projects, share with us the before and after pictures and the problems that were solved.
Here's an example of a designer, not local however, who posts an excellent piece about color and comfort. Nicolette Toussaint owns Comfort & Joy Interior Design in San Francisco, CA and here's what she shared:
In this post, (What Color Is Comfort) I will talk about the emotional impact of color – about what colors make us comfortable in what circumstances – and also about how color influences our perception of space and place. Most of my recent design jobs here in San Francisco have been color consultations, and this post will share some of those experiences. At the end, you should have a pretty good idea of what the color of comfort might be for you.It's a long post, but filled with tons of worthwhile information.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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What Color Is Comfort By Nicolette Toussaint
We believe interior designers are their best advertisement for themselves and their business of helping the public live in a home they deserve. We consistently encourage interior designers to get a blog and tell us about your projects, share with us the before and after pictures and the problems that were solved.
Here's an example of a designer, not local however, who posts an excellent piece about color and comfort. Nicolette Toussaint owns Comfort & Joy Interior Design in San Francisco, CA and here's what she shared:
In this post, (What Color Is Comfort) I will talk about the emotional impact of color – about what colors make us comfortable in what circumstances – and also about how color influences our perception of space and place. Most of my recent design jobs here in San Francisco have been color consultations, and this post will share some of those experiences. At the end, you should have a pretty good idea of what the color of comfort might be for you.It's a long post, but filled with tons of worthwhile information.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Christopher Guy Furniture
This dining table from Christopher Guy is described on his website thusly:
"Sheer elegance and luxury define this magnificent looking mahogany and veneer dining table, complete with delicate marquetry work, a fine example of a contemporary piece with classic appeal."Ava Living has this video of a furniture fashion show in Paris this year:
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Christopher Guy Furniture
This dining table from Christopher Guy is described on his website thusly:
"Sheer elegance and luxury define this magnificent looking mahogany and veneer dining table, complete with delicate marquetry work, a fine example of a contemporary piece with classic appeal."Ava Living has this video of a furniture fashion show in Paris this year:
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Green Design Summit
Click here to sign up today!
The two-day Green Design Summit, available nationwide and internationally, will offer a host of well-known experts in green construction, architecture, interior design and the ecological impacts and tax benefits of going green.
Speakers for the event include:
• Ed Begley Jr., actor, environmental activist and HGTV star, presenting "Living With Ed."
• Penny Bonda, FASID & LEED AP, green blogger for Interior Design Magazine, presenting "The New LEED Requirements–What You Need to Know."
• Leslie Carothers of The Kaleidoscope Partnership, a consultant to the furniture industry, interior designer and blogger for Furniture Today, presenting "Specifying Green Furniture."
• Bob Dixson, Mayor of Greensburg, a city that was 95 percent destroyed by a tornado, presenting "The Story of Greensburg and How Building Green Has Transformed the City."
• Joshua Foss, LEED AP, Season 2 HGTV Design Star Contestant and Metro Hippie Blogger, presenting "How to Build Your Practice Around Sustainable Design."
• Lisa Foster, founder of 1 Bag at a Time, presenting "What Is Your Carbon Footprint and What You Can Do to Reduce It."
• Tom Hamilton, senior product marketing manager for Philips Color Kinetics, presenting "Designing Energy Efficient Lighting & Maintaining Aesthetics."
• Libby Langdon, HGTV star of "Small Space, Big Style" and author of Design in Small Spaces, presenting "Design Ideas for Smaller Space Clients."
• Michael Port, New York Times best-selling author and business coach, presenting "The Think Big Manifesto–Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again."
• Sarah Susanka, FAIA, architect, interior designer and author of eight books selling more than 1 million copies, presenting "Not So Big Remodeling."
• Cassie Walker, author of The Green Office Handbook and founder of The Sustainable Office, presenting "How to Green Your Office and Help Your Clients Green Their Spaces."
• Robin Wilson, New York interior designer for President Clinton's Harlem office, and the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mary Richardson LEED residence, presenting "Eco-friendly Design from the Foundation to the Furniture."
Click here to sign up today!
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
Follow us on Twitter
Green Design Summit
Click here to sign up today!
The two-day Green Design Summit, available nationwide and internationally, will offer a host of well-known experts in green construction, architecture, interior design and the ecological impacts and tax benefits of going green.
Speakers for the event include:
• Ed Begley Jr., actor, environmental activist and HGTV star, presenting "Living With Ed."
• Penny Bonda, FASID & LEED AP, green blogger for Interior Design Magazine, presenting "The New LEED Requirements–What You Need to Know."
• Leslie Carothers of The Kaleidoscope Partnership, a consultant to the furniture industry, interior designer and blogger for Furniture Today, presenting "Specifying Green Furniture."
• Bob Dixson, Mayor of Greensburg, a city that was 95 percent destroyed by a tornado, presenting "The Story of Greensburg and How Building Green Has Transformed the City."
• Joshua Foss, LEED AP, Season 2 HGTV Design Star Contestant and Metro Hippie Blogger, presenting "How to Build Your Practice Around Sustainable Design."
• Lisa Foster, founder of 1 Bag at a Time, presenting "What Is Your Carbon Footprint and What You Can Do to Reduce It."
• Tom Hamilton, senior product marketing manager for Philips Color Kinetics, presenting "Designing Energy Efficient Lighting & Maintaining Aesthetics."
• Libby Langdon, HGTV star of "Small Space, Big Style" and author of Design in Small Spaces, presenting "Design Ideas for Smaller Space Clients."
• Michael Port, New York Times best-selling author and business coach, presenting "The Think Big Manifesto–Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again."
• Sarah Susanka, FAIA, architect, interior designer and author of eight books selling more than 1 million copies, presenting "Not So Big Remodeling."
• Cassie Walker, author of The Green Office Handbook and founder of The Sustainable Office, presenting "How to Green Your Office and Help Your Clients Green Their Spaces."
• Robin Wilson, New York interior designer for President Clinton's Harlem office, and the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mary Richardson LEED residence, presenting "Eco-friendly Design from the Foundation to the Furniture."
Click here to sign up today!
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
Follow us on Twitter
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Realities OF Furniture Shopping
Jason Ball of Jason Ball Interiors has a great post about shopping for furniture from an interior designer's viewpoint:
Interior designers shop for furniture differently than most consumers by focusing on size, style, lines, color and pattern. Many designers "shop" at designer-only showrooms which don't have a large number of options on the floor, but instead have thousands of options in catalogs covering multiple manufacturers. The number of styles and semi-customization are much greater than most retail furniture stores. The real benefit comes in access to hundreds of fabric options and a higher level of customization possible. Take the "walking the floor" situation. In a designer-only showroom, you'll test out different types of cushions to see what's comfortable. You can then select pieces based on their various measurements - seat depth and height, arm height, overall height, etc. And, the piece you select will be built for you!Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Realities OF Furniture Shopping
Jason Ball of Jason Ball Interiors has a great post about shopping for furniture from an interior designer's viewpoint:
Interior designers shop for furniture differently than most consumers by focusing on size, style, lines, color and pattern. Many designers "shop" at designer-only showrooms which don't have a large number of options on the floor, but instead have thousands of options in catalogs covering multiple manufacturers. The number of styles and semi-customization are much greater than most retail furniture stores. The real benefit comes in access to hundreds of fabric options and a higher level of customization possible. Take the "walking the floor" situation. In a designer-only showroom, you'll test out different types of cushions to see what's comfortable. You can then select pieces based on their various measurements - seat depth and height, arm height, overall height, etc. And, the piece you select will be built for you!Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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A Colorful Accent
Faith Sheridan has my husband's favorite colors: Malachite and I call it a cinnamon.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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A Colorful Accent
Faith Sheridan has my husband's favorite colors: Malachite and I call it a cinnamon.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Darn, we are not on her blogroll either.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Darn, we are not on her blogroll either.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Angela Todd's Blog
Another post on her blog has pictures of the Home Builders Association’s Ultimate Open House, which took place on April 18th-19th and 25th-26th. She says it was a tremendous success. The Interior Design Society of Portland worked with several of the home builders to stage and style their homes. This picture just steals my heart. I just love the drama and the striking saturated orange:
The only thing missing on her blog is a blogroll and our blog on it.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Angela Todd's Blog
Another post on her blog has pictures of the Home Builders Association’s Ultimate Open House, which took place on April 18th-19th and 25th-26th. She says it was a tremendous success. The Interior Design Society of Portland worked with several of the home builders to stage and style their homes. This picture just steals my heart. I just love the drama and the striking saturated orange:
The only thing missing on her blog is a blogroll and our blog on it.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
Follow us on Twitter
Knoll Kids - Children's Furniture!
The Child's Womb Chair from Knoll Kids, shown here with the Stone child's seat in poppy. The adult version of the chair was designed in 1948 by Eero Saarinen, and the seat by Maya Lin in 1998.Kids Today reports
KnollStudio, a division of Knoll, Inc., renowned for its collection of classic and enduring designs for the workplace and the home, has launched Knoll Kids, a modern children’s furniture collection.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Knoll Kids - Children's Furniture!
The Child's Womb Chair from Knoll Kids, shown here with the Stone child's seat in poppy. The adult version of the chair was designed in 1948 by Eero Saarinen, and the seat by Maya Lin in 1998.Kids Today reports
KnollStudio, a division of Knoll, Inc., renowned for its collection of classic and enduring designs for the workplace and the home, has launched Knoll Kids, a modern children’s furniture collection.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Peran Strategis Pemuda dalam Menyukseskan Pilpres 2009
Bandung, 4 Juli 2009
Latar Belakang
Momentum Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) yang akan dilaksanakan pada 8 Juli mendatang merupakan sarana strategis gerakan mahasiswa untuk memberikan kontribusinya terhadap bangsa dan negara. Sikap gerakan mahasiswa pada dasarnya mencakup 2 (dua) hal, pertama penilaian objektif terhadap situasi yang ada, dan kedua, memberikan tawaran-tawaran strategis untuk perbaikan ke depan. Penilaian objektif menitikberatkan pada cara pandang gerakan mahasiswa terhadap permasalahan yang menimpa rakyat. Fungsi negara yang termaktub dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 merupakan landasan referensi gerakan mahasiswa untuk tetap menjalankan controlling dan pengawasan terhadap pemerintah. Dalam istilah agama, fungsi memberi peringatan (tadzkirah) menjadi suatu hal yang mutlak untuk mengimbangi sesuatu yang kadangkala berjalan di luar ketentuan. Independensi gerakan mahasiswa akan menjadi batas antara sikap pragmatis yang hanya mengorientasikan gerakan pada materi semata atau sikap gentle untuk tetap berada di garda terdepan dalam menyuarakan suara rakyat.
Bentuk langkah nyata gerakan mahasiswa sejak angkatan 1945, 1966, 1998 dan sampai sekarang pada dasarnya mengerucut pada satu hal, yaitu kualitas tawaran perbaikan yang disampaikan. Gerakan mahasiswa yang merupakan kaum intelektual berbasis kampus sangat menyadari tentang keterbatasan geraknya. Oleh karena itu, memaksimalkan potensi yang ada disertai dengan kekuatan jaringan yang dimilikinya menjadi faktor yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas daya tawar gerakan mahasiswa.
Menyadari bahwa pemuda dalam hal ini mahasiswa merupakan generasi penerus yang akan memimpin bangsa ini ke depan, maka ada dua hal yang harus menjadi pehatian. Pertama, kesadaran internal gerakan mahasiswa untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan ilmunya disertai dengan sense terhadap kondisi bangsa dan negara yang sedang maupun akan terjadi, dan kedua, soliditas yang kuat dan mengakar dari semua elemen bangsa dan negara untuk turut memajukan kualitas calon generasi penerusnya disertai dengan pemberian contoh suri teladan sehingga menjadi partner setia gerakan mahasiswa dalam membangun bangsa ini.
Seminar ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas mahasiswa dan menajamkan sense of belonging terhadap situasi bangsa yang sedang terjadi terutama menjelang momentum Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres). Peningkatan kualitas penilaian objektif dan daya tawar gerakan mahasiswa khususnya yang berada di daerah Jawa Barat tetap menjadi target prioritas pasca kegiatan ini. Selain itu, acara ini merupakan stimulus untuk pembentukan pusat studi kebijakan publik di masing-masing daerah. Dengan adanya pusat studi ini diharapkan ide, gagasan dan pendapat mahasiswa bisa lebih berkualitas.
Tujuan Seminar
1. Terwujudnya konsepsi berpikir kritis anggota dalam memahami kondisi, permasalahan dan solusi bangsa dalam bidang Politik dan Keamanan (Polkam).
2. Terwujudnya konsepsi berpikir kritis anggota dalam memahami kondisi, permasalahan dan solusi bangsa dalam bidang Ekonomi.
3. Terwujudnya konsepsi berpikir kritis anggota dalam memahami kondisi, permasalahan dan solusi kewilayahan dalam bidang pendidikan.
4. Terwujudnya konsepsi berpikir kritis anggota dalam memahami kondisi, permasalahan dan solusi bangsa dalam bidang Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM).
5. Meningkatkan kapasitas Departemen Kebijakan Publik KAMMI Daerah se-Jawa Barat untuk membentuk pusat studi kebijakan publik di daerahnya masing-masing.
Pelaksanaan Seminar
Nama kegiatan : Seminar Politik Kepemudaan
Tema Acara : Peran Strategis Pemuda dalam Menyukseskan Pilpres 2009
Hari/tanggal : Sabtu/4 Juli 2009
Waktu : Pkl. 07.30 – 15.30 WIB.
Tempat : Aula Utama BAPEDA Propinsi Jawa Barat
Jln. Ir. Djuanda No. 286 Dago Bandung
Peserta : 100-150 orang (khusus anggota)
Susunan Acara Seminar
07.30 – 08.10 Registrasi peserta
08.10 – 08.20
08.20 – 08.30
08.30 – 09.00 Pembukaan
Ketua Panitia Seminar Politik Kepemudaan
Ketua KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat
Stadium General
Peran strategis pemuda dalam menyukseskan Pilpres 2009
Pembicara: DR. Amung Ma’mun, M.Pd (Kadis. Disorda Prop. Jawa Barat)
09.00 – 10.30 SESSI I
Pembicara: Kamarudin, SIP., M.Si. (Dept. FISIP UI)
10.30 – 12.00 SESSI II
Bidang EKUIN
Pembicara: Ichsanuddin Noorsy (Pengamat Ekonomi)
12.00 – 13.00 ISHOMA
13.00 – 14.00 SESSI III
Bidang KESRA
Pembicara: Kadis. Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Barat
14.00 – 15.30 SESSI IV
15.30 Bidang HAM
Pembicara: Ahmad Michdan, SH. (Ketua Tim Pengacara Muslim)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Before & After With Interior Designer Marlene Buckner
We've encouraged interior designers in our area to show us their before and after pictures of projects they've completed. We want to give you an idea through their examples why we recommend you use an interior designer.
Our latest example is from Marlene Buckner, president elect of ASID Oregon Chapter, and a consummate professional having passed the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Exam (NCIDQ)
This 1916 residence in Dunthorpe was designed by famous Portland Architect Wade Hampton Pipes. The kitchen was so small the family ate at the farm table that doubled as a work surface. After Marlene designed an 8 foot addition on the opposite end of the room and developed the kitchen design with the homeowners, a new larger kitchen emerged that included an island and nook with built-in banquette seating (in the old kitchen location).
True to the period, painted cabinets with inset doors from Wood-Mode were installed and a satin-etched Mysore Black granite counter was chosen for its aged appearance.
Challenges included lacing in and finishing the new oak kitchen floor to blend seamlessly with the original 90-year-old oak floors found everywhere else. The oven cabinet also required careful modification to bypass the top two steps to the landing above that were hidden in a soffit.
Due to the complexity of this addition and the beauty of its integration with the original home, this project received the 2008 ORA Outstanding Remodeling Achievement Award as well as the prestigious national Chrysalis Award for Best Residential Addition in its price category.
Marlene Buckner specializes in Spatial Design, Kitchens, Baths, and Interiors and is a Certified Kitchen and Bath Designer through NKBA.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Before & After With Interior Designer Marlene Buckner
We've encouraged interior designers in our area to show us their before and after pictures of projects they've completed. We want to give you an idea through their examples why we recommend you use an interior designer.
Our latest example is from Marlene Buckner, president elect of ASID Oregon Chapter, and a consummate professional having passed the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Exam (NCIDQ)
This 1916 residence in Dunthorpe was designed by famous Portland Architect Wade Hampton Pipes. The kitchen was so small the family ate at the farm table that doubled as a work surface. After Marlene designed an 8 foot addition on the opposite end of the room and developed the kitchen design with the homeowners, a new larger kitchen emerged that included an island and nook with built-in banquette seating (in the old kitchen location).
True to the period, painted cabinets with inset doors from Wood-Mode were installed and a satin-etched Mysore Black granite counter was chosen for its aged appearance.
Challenges included lacing in and finishing the new oak kitchen floor to blend seamlessly with the original 90-year-old oak floors found everywhere else. The oven cabinet also required careful modification to bypass the top two steps to the landing above that were hidden in a soffit.
Due to the complexity of this addition and the beauty of its integration with the original home, this project received the 2008 ORA Outstanding Remodeling Achievement Award as well as the prestigious national Chrysalis Award for Best Residential Addition in its price category.
Marlene Buckner specializes in Spatial Design, Kitchens, Baths, and Interiors and is a Certified Kitchen and Bath Designer through NKBA.
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Colorful Armchair
unique-artistic outdoor furniture
unique-artistic outdoor furniture detail visit http;//javabali.info
Colorful Armchair
unique-artistic outdoor furniture
unique-artistic outdoor furniture detail visit http;//javabali.info
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Puzzle me this: Why is it that the same people who bitch about workers sense of entitlement (you know, workers wanting decent treatment and wages) themselves feel entitled to free plastic bags? (It's true)
I think its a marvelous success so far: Toronto's new 5 cent plastic bag law has reduced the use of plastic shopping bags by something like 75%.
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The wood deck for your home. It's a good use of the space in the garden. It's suitable for one who don't have much time to maintain the garden so build the deck.
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The wood deck for your home. It's a good use of the space in the garden. It's suitable for one who don't have much time to maintain the garden so build the deck.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor, originally uploaded by xJavierx.
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor
In the office of Ali Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos’ Washington D.C. home, walls are painted Winter Solstice by Benjamin Moore. The table and chairs are flea-market finds and the mirror is from the Brimfield Antiques Fair.
Interior design by Elizabeth Martin. Photo by Simon Upton, Elle Décor, May 2009.
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor, originally uploaded by xJavierx.
Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor
In the office of Ali Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos’ Washington D.C. home, walls are painted Winter Solstice by Benjamin Moore. The table and chairs are flea-market finds and the mirror is from the Brimfield Antiques Fair.
Interior design by Elizabeth Martin. Photo by Simon Upton, Elle Décor, May 2009.