Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sugar and Spice

and everything nice... that's what girls are made of. This looks like my kind of "tea party"... It has been a successful month of June thanks to you, and I am looking forward to exciting things to come in July! Let's celebrate with some
yummy cakes and macaroons...
Shoes and Desserts
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{via pinterest}

Ideas económicas para el dormitorio

Ideas económicas para el dormitorio primaveral

Con el cambio de estación, y el arribo de la primavera, llega el momento de olvidarse de los colores apagados, las telas pesadas y el encierro, y hay que abrir el dormitorio a la luz, los colores y la renovación.

Hacer de tu recámara un espacio primaveral requiere de más ingenio que dinero.

He aquí algunas claves para montar un dormitorio primaveral con nada más que tu imaginación.

1. Todo alrededor de la cama

Que el color de las paredes, las cortinas y el mobiliario se encuentren en el cubrecamas. Opta por los estampados alegres y coloridos, en donde los colores del ambiente se vean representados, con preferencia en una gama más brillante.

De este modo lograrás un conjunto más integrado… con nada más que el cubrecamas.

2. Usa colores brillantes

Ante un sol generoso, colores brillantes que difundan la luz y hagan más luminoso al espacio.

Prefiere las telas más arrugadas, de hilos bastos y rica texturas, para añadir personalidad, y matizar el reflejo de la luz.

El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto

El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto para adolescente

Un cuarto adolescente, como dijimos debe estar decorado con muebles funcionales, dónde se les permita con gran facilidad mantener el orden, y dónde no pueden faltar las combinaciones de colores estridentes, y brillantes.

En este cuarto podemos observar como se combinaron diferentes motivos, y cabe destacar que es muy importante considerar las dimensiones de los estampados, para que estén a tono con el resto de la decoración y las dimensiones del cuarto.

De esta manera, podemos otorgar visualmente un efecto de grandeza y amplitud, por otro lado en esta paleta de colores naranjas y marrones, conseguimos así el toque colorido y natural, sin recurrir a elementos rústicos y permitiendo una absoluta modernidad en el diseño.

Para equilibrar tanto derroche de colores, nada mejor que optar por un cortinado en color blanco, o en una tonalidad clara, que le permitirá suavizar el tono de las paredes, y además nos dará el toque informal y distinguido que por lo general a los adolescentes les encanta.

Consejos para decorar un baño pequeño

Todos sabemos el cuarto de baño con el que soñamos, sale a veces en las películas y cuenta con una bañera gigantesca, ventanas por las que entra la luz a raudales y mucho espacio. Por lástima, ese cuarto de baño no cabe en nuestra casa, pero ese no es motivo para desanimarse.

Con una buena distribución es posible convertir un baño pequeño y oscuro en una sala funcional, agradable y también moderna.

¿Cómo? Aquí van algunos consejos que te ayudarán a optimizar el espacio y a agrandar visualmente la habitación.

1. La iluminación

Muchos cuartos de baño no cuentan con ventanas, por lo que toda la luz tiene que ser artificial. Apuesta por una iluminación potente a base de halógenos de luz amarilla. Los apliques del espejo, mejor en los laterales que sobre el espejo (pues si no se crean sombras). También es buena idea colocar apliques en la zona de la ducha.

2. Los colores

Para no causar agobios son mejores los colores neutros, que no cansan, y se pueden ver matizados por los complementos. Decorar con dos colores (parte baja, parte alta), es una buena idea, y no olvides que la parte superior y el techo deben ser siempre de un color claro.

Los colores frescos, como el verde o el azul, también aportarán una sensación de calma y relax, y por extensión, de espaciosidad.

3. Ducha mejor que bañera

Es obvio el por qué ¿no? Si antes conseguías meter una bañera en tu cuarto de baño al sustituirla por una ducha ganarás mucho espacio. Las duchas que puedes ver debajo son de Albatros.

4. Cristal

Utilizar manparas de cristal en la ducha es una forma de apostar por la claridad en el baño, eso sí, siempre con tratamiento antical. También son una buena opción para separar espacios si, por ejemplo, tienes el baño junto al dormitorio.

5. Nuevos materiales

El baño puede ser decorado con algo más que azulejos, como con vidrios lacados o piezas grandes de granito o mármol, que prescinden de juntas y dan amplitud.

6. Revestimientos a media altura

No hace falta alicatar hasta el techo, de hecho, en un baño pequeño eso contribuye a la sensación de agobio. Puedes optar por revestir la zona de aguas y dejar el resto de media altura. El baño así, resultará más cálido.

7. Organización del espacio

Todo depende, por supuesto, del tamaño del baño y de su forma, pero hay determinadas pautas que podemos seguir.

En los baños alargados, una buena idea es organizar todos los muebles en línea y dejar un espacio libre enfrente.

En los baños cuadrados es mejor la decoración en forma de U pues permite aprovechar mejor el espacio.

8. Libertad de movimientos

Limita los accesorios del baño al mínimo necesario, o te sentirás incómod@ chocando -aunque sea visualmente- con multitud de objetos. Una sóla alfombra (y pequeña) será suficiente. El cesto de la ropa sucia mejor déjalo en otra habitación. Evita los armarios voluminosos.

9. Muebles volados

Los muebles volados dan mayor ligereza al cuarto. Un lavabo volado ocupa poco espacio, y puedes colocar debajo una papelera o un cesto. El lavabo de la foto que sigue es de Gala.

10. Soluciones de almacenaje

Lo de limitar los accesorios al mínimo está muy bien, pero la cruda realidad es que necesitamos meter las cosas en algún sitio. Un armario de poca profundidad, pero que llegue hasta el techo, permitirá aprovechar el espacio hacia arriba, lo ideal es hacerlo a medida. Si hay posibilidad de hacer un armario empotrado, no lo dudes, es la solución definitiva, y mejor con puertas correderas.

Poner muebles suspendidos al lado del espejo del lavabo también puede ser una opción. Las puertas de cristal en los muebles contribuirá a darles menos densidad.

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8 Funny Posts 4 A Grin From Dennys Blogs - 30 June 2010

*** When times are tough what do you do? Laughter is the best stress reliever! Here are 8 posts from this week's posts at Denny's blogs for you to enjoy.

Cup of coffee from Brazil by il Quoquo @ flickr

From Denny: Between Colbert and Stewart, well, let's just say they have BP's shenanigans covered. Nothing gets past them!

In my ongoing effort to provide stress relief when the national conversation is so depressing - because of the BP Gulf Coast oil spill, a fragile economy and politicians who continually refuse to do right by the American people - we all need to keep laughing our way through these times until they get better. Trust that times will get better and they will. Until then, while we are in transition, we must develop coping skills for managing daily stress like making sure we are laughing often.

This is one of those times when it is true that "the pen is mightier than the sword" for the right kind of writing can bring relief to thousands in one moment over the internet. Pretty cool when you think about it. How many people can accomplish so much out of thin air? :)

Funny Smile Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day - 30 June 2010

Roundup of Late Night Funnies: BP Oil Spill, McChrystal Firing - 28 June 2010

Funny Video: Colbert Says McChrystal Had To Have Been High

Funny Video: Stewart Nails Republicans As Flip-Floppers On BP Escrow Fund

Funny Video: Colbert Lampoons Barton's BP Apology

Funny Video: Stewart Lampoons McChrystal's Balls For An Honorable Discharge

5 Funny Shorts: What Kids Think About Love and Life

Funny Video: Surfing Group Known as The Radical Rodents

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Beautiful Inspiration Boards

... so much inspiration, you cannot help but want to be creative and make something! The first image is my board in my studio. As you know, I love butterflies. The center print is from my friend, Katie Daisy! I just love the vibrant colors flowing into each other in such a graceful way... and the two prints on either side are from my friend Colette over at Raw Art Letterpress. I am in awe of the process of letterpress and I was so thrilled to receive my custom Bright, Bold, and Beautiful piece of art!
Check out some more beautiful inspiration boards to get you kick started today!
Bright, Bold, and Beautiful
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{images via flickr, pinterest}

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spies Among Us, Scumbag Congress Denies Food to Children of Unemployed - News Headlines 29 June 2010

*** Spies play games in America and scumbag Congress denies extension of unemployment benefits to desperate jobless in America.

Lucky Gen. McChrystal

From Denny: Gen. McChrystal is toast and was forced to retire. Lucky him that the President is such a decent guy. McChrystal would not have done the same for him if their roles had been reversed. Let's hope the general gets it and appreciates it over the years, not mistaking kindness for weakness.

The President made it possible to override Army regulations and helped McChrystal retire at four star status. Technically, he did not have enough time on the job to quality for retiring at the four star level. The four star level pension sure pays out a helluva lot better than the three star level. He should take this huge gift, shut up and disappear as quickly as he can before the President changes his mind.

Russian spies finally hauled in after FBI watches them for decade

Since I grew up in the American intelligence community I always get a good laugh when "the other side's" spies are found to be operating in our midst. Just like now, usually the FBI and the CIA have had tabs on them for some time. In this case, it's been over a decade of watching these bumbling Russian spies.

The media keeps asking the obvious questions like "They had no direct access to any high level information. What did Russia hope to gain? After all, they could find out all the information they wanted about President Obama's trips by Google search on the internet."

Of course, what the American media is missing is duh, the obvious. The Russian media is state owned and state run propaganda. In a word, the Russian intelligence community does not believe the media to be telling the truth. So, their inept old school handlers wanted these family spies to verify the American media information as truthful or not. The Russian handlers figured if their spies lived in America they would come to relate to and understand the American mindset and know if information was true as told.

This pathetic former Cold War spy ring really comes across as the last gasp of the Old Russia that just couldn't let go of their paranoid ways. These guys always were the ultimate control freaks so none of this surprises me. In the end, it all comes down to trust, of which the Russians have none. That's how their society has worked for decades, on fear and mistrust. In their minds, surely nothing could be as simple as doing a Google search. Earth to Russia: yes, it is.

OK, I've laughed enough at this one, moving along...

BP oil spill disaster and scummy corporate deeds

Oh, goodie, BP is now taking money out of the claims fund to funnel to their BP gas station owners because of the boycotts against BP. So now BP gas station owners are victims? You have got to be kidding me. BP should be paying them out of another fund and not the one for the fishermen and other business owners. Yet more scummy doings from the BP crowd.

As it is, they play games with the claims process even after Ken Feinberg got involved. Everything they do is arbitrary and delay, delay, delay for as long as they can until they get caught and profiled on some news story. Then they go into public relations over drive and churn out the glossy expensive New York ads to the tune of "me thinks thou dost protest too much."

Car sales plummet do to job loss

GM auto sales nosedived by 13 percent from last year when they were in the tubes. That is what happens when you take taxpayer stimulus money, claim to pay it back but actually just took another form of a taxpayer loan from the Federal Reserve, and then had the audacity to fire 5,000 employees. They sent those jobs overseas so obviously they still needed the work to be done. They were just too cheap to pay American workers. And these guys still think American's owe them brand loyalty? What drugs are they smoking?

Unemployment benefits denied by Congress who goes on holiday

The biggest shocker this week was Congress refusing to extend unemployment benefits to the millions of desperate people out there. Bankruptcies are way up as are home foreclosures. You can't keep squeezing people and the politicians think they will not pay some kind of price for their cruelty.

The American public is in an ugly mood and no longer mollified by inspiring words of hope or empty words about how this denial is good for the deficit. Try telling that to a hungry three year old crying because she can only eat one meal a day. Yeah, this is the same Congress that took away breakfast and lunch at America's public schools. Talk about people who will be burning in hell for eternity for such depraved indifference to the suffering of little children.

Financial Reform Deal in Doubt

House Rejects Unemployment Benefits Extension
Amid GOP Concerns About Debt and Deficit, House Vote on Extending Unemployment Benefits Fails; Another Vote Expected

Drilling Moratorium Costing Gulf Docks Business
BP Compensation Fund Not Likely to Cover Costs of Expected Losses if Obama Deepwater Moratorium Becomes Permanent

BP Meets U.S. Deadline for Oil Spill Payments
Oil Company Has Paid Gov't About $71 Million for Costs Associated With Cleanup

BP Tosses Lifeline to Gas Stations, Group Says
Energy Giant to Give up to $70M Local Stations, Suppliers Struggling Due to Boycotts, According to Industry Group

Moscow: Suspected Spies Include Russian Citizens
But Russia Urges Restraint, Insists Alleged Spies Did Nothing to Hurt U.S. Interests; State Department Plays Down Fallout

U.S. Officials Play Down U.S.-Russia Spy Fallout
White House, Pentagon Play Down Political Ramifications of Spy Ring Arrests; Obama Declines to Comment

Ex-KGB: Russia May Have 50 Spy Couples in U.S.
Cold War Defector Oleg Gordievsky Says Alleged Spy Ring May Extend Well Beyond Those Arrested

White House: McChrystal to Retire with 4 Stars
Ousted General Will Be Allowed to Retire as a Four Star General Despite Serving in that Position for Less Than a Year

A Good General Is Not Enough
Thomas Joscelyn: Winning in Afghanistan Will also Require Pressure on Pakistan.

Kagan Calm, Poised at Hearings - but Questions Linger

Cynicism in the Supreme Court Hearings
Ari Melber: Knocking Kagan’s Experience, the Republican Attack May Backfire

Auto Sales Slowing as Americans Doubt Recovery
Automakers Expected to Report Sales Decline Between 9.5 Percent, 12 Percent from May to June Later This Week

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Hermosas habitaciones de estilo moderno

Esta colección de muebles Golf de la casa de diseño italiana Colombini tiene espectaculares modernos diseños de dormitorios.
Los colores se han mezclado a la perfección, la colocación meticulosa, y no hay un verdadero sentido de integridad en cada uno de ellos.

Observen estos hermosos diseños:

Ideas Contemporáneas para el Diseño de la Sala

Muy buenas ideas para habitaciones de jovenes

Ideas y consejos para dormitorios de adolescentes son cosas que la gente joven busca para la renovación de sus habitaciones. Tuvimos una solicitud en sobre esto en el blog (decorando mejor) y esperamos que estas fotos los ayude.