Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Week in Review and Weekend Top Stories

Catch-up on major news events you missed in the past week!

- Monday [August 07, 2006]
- Tuesday [August 08, 2006]
- Wednesday [August 09, 2006]
- Thursday [August 10, 200]
- Friday [August 11, 2006]

Weekend Top Stories

-Should Ethiopia be Involved in Somalia?

(By Kahsay Berhe and Tesfay Atsbeha)

It has been an Ethiopian Tradition for centuries, never to go to war as an aggressor against any other nation. Ethiopia defended herself against Egyptian (1875 and 1876), Italian (1886, 1895, 1896 and from 1935 up to 1941) dervish (1889), Somali (1964 and 1977) and Eritrean (1998 until 2000) invasions, but never invaded any country. (More...)

- Update form Kality Prison (from someone who visited with the leaders)
- How did they manage to smuggle a book out of Kality?
- Charge d'Affaires Visits Prisoners
- An Open Letter to Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweis