Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Social Poets: Wisconsin: Voters Slap Down GOP, Female Dark Horse Wins State Supreme Court Seat
The Social Poets: Wisconsin: Voters Slap Down GOP, Female Dark Horse Wins State Supreme Court Seat: "An obscure election got the royal treatment from activists and voters. Voters so hated Gov. Scott Walker's controversial anti-union initiatives they came out in droves to defeat a GOP incumbent for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The surprise dark horse vote came for Democrat unknown JoAnne Kloppenburg, down by an astounding 30 points right before the election. She is a state attorney general with support from several unions.
Election officials tallied her win at a razor thin 235 votes over the GOP incumbent of 12 years, Justice David Prosser, who is known to be sympathetic toward Gov. Walker's policies. Prosser had come out of his primary with a 55 percent vote win. Kloppenburg was second of four candidates with only 28 percent of that primary vote. Prosser was expected to experience an easy runaway win - that fizzled because of unusually high voter turnout."