Thursday, October 8, 2009

Video: President Obama Poll Numbers Improved

From Denny: Considering the ugly mood of the country over health care reform, the public has finally figured out it isn't about Obama but rather the Republicans and their lobbyist handlers. Republican pollsters are trying to downplay the fact they can't dig into Obama's approval. The more they oppose him with the nutjob antics then people turn away from identifying with the Republicans.

The largest growing political party in America are the Independents: disillustioned former Republicans who no longer identify with them but don't know enough about the Democrats to join them or identify with them. It would do the Democrats well to give them a number of reasons to join the team.

As to the political parties' approval ratings they are tepid at best. Until the Democrats, as a group, break out strong and get things done in Washington the public will not give them good approval ratings, in spite of the fact they really have a very weak control on Congress. The public wants their leaders in Washington to get serious about taking care of the public's needs and quit acting like juvenile suck-ups to the lobbyists who pour money into their re-election coffers. That is how they are all perceived.

It would do the Democratic leaders well in the House and the Senate to get out in front of the news every day by holding news conferences about what they are discussing for options on this health care reform. Leaving it to the press to give the public all the information hasn't worked, rather only contributed to misinformation and half-truths.