Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Medical Horrors Earthquake Survivors Face

From Denny: From an American doctor's point of view here's the latest on the desperate medical situation in Port au Prince, Haiti. It's difficult for doctors, working without proper operating rooms, equipment and anesthesia. Instead, they have resorted to hardware store hacksaws they have sterilized with vodka and are operating in makeshift tents in the dirt streets full of dust and rubble. Even when successful in the amputation many will die for lack of follow up medical care. It's a desperate situation all around.

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Rescue workers and medical staffs are doing what they can for Haitians who are so seriously injured.

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What survivors are facing from crush injuries is the reality is there are over 70 required amputations a day now. The grim situation is that now a week has passed and the injured have received little or no medical attention until now. During that time the wounds became so infected that gangrene set in. When that happens the wounded area begins to die and if not amputated the poison can reach the blood stream and then kill the person. Tough decisions all around.

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