Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2 Videos: NBC News Exclusive Interview with Britains Clueless Gordon Brown

From Denny: Watch Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown try feebly to do damage control after the idiot fiasco of letting go the Lockerbie bomber on "compassionate grounds." Blaming the Scottish authorities he authorized to release the criminal is lame at best.

It gets better. He's snubbed a public meeting with our President Obama on our own soil. Is this guy just a British version of former President George Bush: he just doesn't get it? He thinks a two hour visit is developing a real relationship with people? His lips are moving but he is just not a convincing actor.

I still would like to know what that "special relationship" is all about that he is claiming to have with America. He acts like the white guy with a black mistress from the 1930's American South who is afraid to go public for fear of getting lynched by his own neighbors. Is it the same with Gordon Brown about Obama?

If he is that cowardly, then he can quit with the backroom visits. His answers to serious issues and questions were like a weasel slinking around until he could find an exit. Interviewer Brian Williams was too nice to his stock answers. Where is a junkyard dog journalist when you need one?