Thursday, September 17, 2009

Videos: Exclusive NBC Interview with Irans Leader

From Denny: This sure was an interesting interview and is an exclusive for NBC News from Ann Curry. To her credit, Ann Curry is one of those rare journalists with some class and finesse in how she interviews. She knows how to ask tough questions without being abrasive or practicing ambush journalism.

Of course, Ahmadinejad was his usual "not really answering the questions" self, so what else is new? What's new is his puppet masters have restaged him to reflect the Obama more dignified style of engagement as opposed to the "shoot from the hip" abrasive Bush style. Clearly, the Iranian regime believes they are going to get something they want out of Obama. Think again if you don't disarm with the nukes.

While China and Russia continue to help Iran on the nuclear level they should not be so sure those countries are truly their friends. They could as easily turn on them and do Israel's work for them by destroying the nuke facilities. Iran is playing a dangerous game of which everyone in the world feels threatened.

Right now Iran wants to trade three foolish American hikers in their prison for terrorists and spies in our prisons. I would not expect an equal trade.

Of course, right after this interview, what happens? Ahmadinejad goes off on his usual bizarre course, screaming that the Holocaust never happened. He creates imagined history to fit his fantasy game, all wrong in the face of fact. This guy really knows how to tick off decent people. His gamesmanship is childish at best. The North Korean temper tantrums have worn out the West who are no longer amenable to giving anything anymore. Same goes for the Middle East.