Friday, September 25, 2009

Video: Obama Ends Bush Project of Missile Shield, Good Riddance

From Denny: This was a news story that got sidelined until today. I meant to comment upon this smart move of Obama to scrap this idiot Bush project. Of course, the reason Obama gives us is only part of the truth.

The real truth is that America is fighting a two-front war in the Middle East, drug wars in Mexico, South America and America's inner cities and small towns all across America. We can't even afford real health care for our citizens.

We are going bankrupt on the Republican wars. Who has any money left for a new project for staging missiles in Eastern Europe? In the end, just how much of an arsenal does one country need? We have more than adequate resources to protect our country and plenty of new technology - and will power - to deal with fools like the Iranian regime should it become necessary.