Monday, January 26, 2009

Back from Blogging Hiatus...

I know it has been a long time since I last blogged.... In that time, apparently the world didn't pause itself to wait for me.

In Canada the word "prorogue" suddenly entered everyone's vocabumalary. Obama is in the White House, a historic and relatively positive development (since even if his politics are pretty centrist, he looks damn progressive next to the Bush & Co). The oscillating denial and alarmism about the impending recession has settled into a degree of acceptance.

As for me, I finished my MA, took a trip to Havana and am now back and working on setting up a new organic farm. Maybe I'll start a PhD in September (if they'll have me).

If I have any readers left, I hope you'll come on by from time to time for some chitchat, discussion and political wrangling